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What is "Normal'...

...casting a shadow of judgement?

....conforming to a system that only sees you in your incongruent light?

If I live in my true authenticity, aren’t I too becoming part of my norm?

Or maybe your norm.

What if normalcy lived only in a moment, my moment free of judgement, following a forgiving heart that has been broken in a thousand pieces only to be put back together by the safety of truth.

My truth, your truth, our truth.

So who am I to judge normal? 

For me, normal lies in the moments of freedom when I am consumed only by nothing.

...Feeling the warmth of the morning sun as he kisses the mountaintops goodbye.

...Lying in a bed of lavender, as the hummingbirds drink only from their sweet nectar. Hearing the hawk’s call as it echoes through the canyon.

....Feeling a warm muzzle as her whiskers tickle my cheek. 

You see, Normalcy for me lives in truth.

When my authentic self can express freely without thought of judgement. When I can dance in the arms of safety on the foundation of my own truth.

That is normal. My normal. Your normal. Our normal.

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