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    My Journey

    Turning Pain into Purpose & Power



    I am Spanish, Mayan, Native American, Irish, Scottish, French and German. Though this is my DNA, I very much resonate culturally with my indigenous ancestors whose land I walk on today, the Mayans who migrated from South America, the Cahuilla Indians, and my Scottish/Irish pagan ancestors who migrated here from their homelands. 


    You see, I, like so many, have lost my culture. For years I never understood the anger and pain passed down from my ancestors. Growing up, the trauma I suffered from unavailable parents and their wounds grew much deeper than them. Ancestral Trauma from colonization, religious persecution, and other atrocities  passed down from  generation to generation has made it very difficult for me to start peeling away the many layers of anger, pain, shame, sorrow and guilt.

    However, integrating these wounded parts of my lost soul has been a lifelong journey that has profoundly changed the trajectory of my path, leading me from probability to possibility.

    When my parents divorced I was ten, leaving behind my animals, mostly the horses where I went to hide from the mental, physical and sexual abuse afflicted on me by my family. When my mother could no longer take the abuse, she left with my brother and I.


    For the next couple of years, we moved around several times, living place to place in airports and cars.  I was placed in a foster home when my mother who suffered with mental un-wellness and my unavailable father  could no longer care for me. It was here with the love and support of my foster family, that for the first time I felt safe among humans.

    It was this 'felt sense of being safe' that I was able to start working through my pain.

    Having a strong desire to change my trauma for the good, I graduated from high school, attended college, got married and raised a family. I was the “good girl,” all while tending to my wounds. I've made  many mistakes, engaged in unknowingly unhealthy patterns and wounded others, (mostly my own family).

    Through the grace of forgiveness, compassion and love from those closest to me, and my deep connection to my spiritual path, nature and my horses,

    my wounds have been transformed into gifts.

    I feel deeply that my own journey in life is a gift given to me so that I may be a light for others walking through their own darkness.

    I never forgot my dream of giving back and honoring my foster family and my indigenous ancestors who walked this land before me. If I could walk one soul through their darkness, I know, without a doubt, my childhood trauma was worth the pain. 

    For my pain is the medicine.

    Gracias Medicina.

    A Ho!

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    © 2024 by Nancy Hernandez Riggs

    Brand Strategy/Site Design: Success Sanctuary

    Logo & Illustration Design: Nica Draws Nature

    Brand Photography: Karen Floyd Portraits

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